LOOSENOTES - February blew by fast and we wore out our shoes keeping up... That's okay, 'cuz Spring Break and March Madness are here -- Let's ease off the gas pedal, let's linger longer... Okay?
NEIGHBORHOOD HANGOUTS - Crummy weather could not keep you from enjoying some *really* fine new acts out on the SCENE this month; We sampled the likes of Cory Morrow & David Grace at Dempsey's, South Coast on the Fantasea, The Fuse at Sherlock's, Park Avenue at Jackie's, Obsolete August & SkyRocket at the Scout Bar and James Reese at Katie's. Hot stuff, all of them! In other good news, T-Bone Tom's live music is starting back up this month. With total confidence, we predict the local live music scene is going to be great this year. Of course!
EPICUREAN EVENING - Thousands arrived for the annual Epicurean Evening at Space Center Houston. The Paparazzi Houston photo booth was a smash hit as were all the delectable delights. SCENE live music newcomers to this year's culinary bombardment included Big Ben's Tavern & Crazy Al's Swamp Shack. Hear! Hear! Rookie of the year award goes to Dempsey's for not only bringing on the food front but also musical favorite, Jeremy Bradshaw--Cheers!!! Well fed, we set sail....
ON THEBIGWHITEBOAT - We went along with the Krewe du Lac for the annual Royal Ball. By multiple measures, this year's party was funnest by far including a surprise appearance by Paparazzi Houston. Monica Rose and her South Coast Band cranked out ample energy powering the entire ship--These cats are *good*. The pirates of Krewe du Lac are reknown for they're incredible capacity to celebrate with gracious class (a good thing) else the tables and chairs would've been tossed overboard making the dance floor larger. Seriously! Krewe newcomer, Alan Stephenson (aka Big Slick and KAOS frontman), stood in for a couple super charged songs and twirled James Reese's frenzy switch a couple spins past the stops. Wow, that was fun!!!! The party continued at the Pier 27 Tavern and hopefully rubbed off on you. And so we move on...
ON TO SPRING - Zone 504 hosted the year's first official patio crawfish party. Cheers! Last year's tastings were out-of-the-body experiences so we couldn't miss this. Icy waters made harvests dicey yet included many escaping last year's cages--Their size qualified as exports to Maine but we ate them instead. Zone 504 was also the Clear Lake headquarters for Milton Miller who is on a 100 day run from Miami to Los Angeles raising money for kids that don't have any. This chap is an amazing fellow with a diet consisting mostly of beer and burgers. Check him out (100daysofmadness.com) and be a part! Before our mouths could cool, Mark and the Cockeyed Seagull staff hosted a Daytona Mardi Gras patio crawfish party of their own. A full patio enjoyed the nicest Sunday of February with music arranged by Kevin Fenton and the entire who's who amongst the local open-mic SCENE. Say "splendid", please... It was! Hey, Heads up... Magazine will have their CD release party on Sunday, March 13th between 3 and 6pm on the Seagull patio. Food and frolicking are also on the agenda. "It Ain't That Bad" is what it's called... Be there!
NEW STOP ON THE BEAT - Welcome to the folks at Noah's Ark -- a long time area favorite. With live music on the weekends and good food and drink, this place is fully qualified as SCENE ready. This month, we hung out with the Parrot Heads enjoying the likes of Scott Christopher and the Spiny Norman Band. A lot of SCENE readers already hang out a Noah's--We got here as soon as we could... See ya there!
OVER THE TOP - To the folks at Jackie's Brickhouse. Haven't been there in awhile? You'll be please with what they've done inside, out back, off to the side, and in the front. Is this a restaurant music hall or a music hall with food? Not sure but it's all good! This month, we caught a two fine shows (KAOS & Park Avenue) along with the weekly open mic hosted by Wood & Wind. The folks at Jackie's rose to elite level hosting their first benefit for none other than John Prince -- Local airwave personality and core member of the GBAMA effort aiding musicians wiped out by Ike. This was John's turn and a plethora of supporters from across Houston answered the call with two stages playing. The bestest foot stomping music was lead off with Spare Parts (Mike & Linda Lambert are class!), Crash from northwest Houston performed the finest Grand Funk tunes since we last heard Grand Funk in 1974, Steve Shannon / Myrna Sanders & friends serenaded the souls on the outside deck, Chris Crump and members of Breyland from the T-Bone Tom patio days came forth, Moondog featured the return of local guitar hero David Hargrave, and Slide Effect headlined the main stage. Thanks to Jackie's for their gracious hospitality, to the donors and the supporters who came out. Well done!
AND BEYOND - On the most beautiful weekend of the month, thousands gathered for copious quantities of fun, sun, & fellowship. Rocky's Pelican Junction was the Scene for the Mean Gene Kelton Blues Marathon with a full slate of the finest blues music, the *best* of auctions we've *ever* seen, and plenty of food were there for all. Outrageous love & generosity seems to fit... We are making available the high resolution shots for sale, got our "GO" from Joni, and will be sending proceeds to Mean Gene's favorite charities (Texas Equusearch, Harley's Angels, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital Memphis, and Houston Blues Museum). (http://andyeng.zenfolio.com and follow the link to MGK Blues Marathon)
Before being called back to the front office, Mean Gene published what has become a required read, "Gigs From Hell" which we enthusiastically endorse. Many books about music are written by writers, critics & reporters (people like me) -- Written by Mean Gene himself personifies Texas music with an authority unmatched. Plus, it's a great read! Amazon books-- Get your copy now!
AND FINALLY - Spending time with you has been the utmost pleasure while at the same time, an annoying angst that we've been stretched thin sharing so much of our content of you, with you. So, last October John gave us an assignment to fix this and today, pleased to announce the rollout of our site where we make available to you, pictures of you. Pretty cool, eh? These are the hi resolution shots that are good enough to send to your family, friends, mount, frame, and show. Musician will be happy as many of these are suitable for large format (20"x30" poster size) quality of you and your band under the spot light. We've only gotten half of last year posted and so much more to go so check us out often at
http://andyeng.zenfolio.com Thank you and enjoy!