"JASON DANFORD BASH (Big Ben Tavern) - The SCENE was at this monster event last year along with over 400 of Jason's closest friends & family & over two tons of street fighting mudbugs--We jumped when we heard about this year's event complete with UFC PPV. Tell you what though, Obsolete August with Erik Garza went waaaay over the top stirring up the cayenne on the patio while Rich & Sheri took care of *everybody* with the cayenne in the pot--If anybody paid attention to who won, let us know. Get the gist? We are often asked and here goes... We calibrate our cayenne taste buds using the out-of-body offerings of Frank & Sam's for which Zone 504 and Jason's/Big Ben's scored closest this season. If you disagree, come see me out on The SCENE. Back to the music..."
Reprint from The SCENE Magazine, May 2011 Issue
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