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Out in Katy, Texas was a place called the Forbidden Gardens... They closed it to make way for the Grand Parkway construction project. I got lucky and got to see it (the weather was treacherous that week) only days before they closed.

The place had four main exhibits according to their brochure:
Exhibit #1 - The Terra Cotta Army of the First Emperor
Exhibit #2 - The Weapons Room
Exhibit #3 - Calming of the Heart Lodge (The Summer Palace)
Exhibit #4 - The Forbidden City

I regret not framing the full characters of the settings in the model towns, rather just the English descriptions.

Be sure and try the slideshow!
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Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory:Places of Interest
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Andy Eng, Cheryl Whitney, Forbidden City, Forbidden Gardens, Terra Cotta Warriors, Trudy LeDux